Nia with Sally

Dance Your Way to a Happier Healthier You . . .


‘Community Class’ (dancing together to Nia TV) currently running in Silverdale Wednesdays 10.30am.  PM for full details.

For more information email or text 027 203 5995

Tell Me More

Through Movement We Find Health

Through Movement We Find Health is an underlying premise (and promise) of Nia.  Finding a movement modality that offers flexibility, agility, stability, strength, and mobility whilst feeling like we are simply dancing to fantastic world music – what are you waiting for?  Email for more information, to book or simply turn up at class  . . . .

Dance Your Way to a Happier Healthier You . . .

Dance through life – seize every opportunity in your life to experience the Joy of moving your body.  Every action, from when you open your eyes in the morning to when you go to bed at night, can be a conscious act of being in the pleasure of your body’s sensations . . . 

Joy, Healing, YES ! ! !

Nia cardio-dance workouts combine 52 simple moves, with dance, martial arts, and healing arts, to get you fit in 60 minutes in body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

Nia is practiced barefoot, is non-impact, and adaptable to individual needs and abilities. Nia teaches us how to embody sensation, gives us powerful tools for self-discovery, and helps us to move with grace and fluidity.  A forerunner of the ‘fusion fitness’ industry; Nia has been around for nearly 40 years.

What the students are saying about Nia with Sally . . . 

Sally, You are such an inspiration as a teacher of Nia. When I walk into your class, regardless of how my day has gone, I feel instantly welcomed and at peace. Your warmth, understanding, encouragement, humor, and grace are such a blessing to me. I always leave contented with what I have achieved regardless of what my body will let me do. Thank you for being you.                 – Pauline

I love attending Sally’s Nia classes; she is so playful and fun.   I always have a smile on my face with her leading.  I particularly like how she is down to earth and honest.  She is skilled in ‘the Body’s Way so that everything flows easily.  Sally is very knowledgeable of the Nia work & philosophy and happy to share it; she is extremely approachable and loves connecting with people.     – Grace

I love Sally’s Nia classes.  She brings her expressiveness and warmth to the fore as a teacher.  Those are qualities I’ve always loved about her.  I am, of course biased, being her husband.  I’ve always enjoyed dancing: Nia for me is about having fun with music and moving.  Exercise is a happy byproduct.                                                                                                     I was recently experiencing some nerve entrapment in my spine – my whole arm would ache and there would be pins and needles in my fingers.  This was constant throughout the whole day and I could only sleep in certain positions at night.  I thought it was age and posture catching up with me.  I’m not one to go for help with things however, the thought of it progressing was worrying enough that I went to a physio – nothing changed.  Then Sally began teaching Nia again – in the classes I worked with the principles that Sally teaches: ‘through movement we find health’.  I would use the movement of the class to stretch away at the sore points, working within the pain.  After a few weeks of Nia twice a week I was delighted to find the entrapment completely gone !!!  It’s great to now know I’m not as old as I was beginning to think I was and fantastic to feel my body come back to base again.  I can’t recommend Nia highly enough.       – Darag


“I love Nia! It’s a total mind, body, spirit celebration.”

Dr Christiane Northrup

15 + 11 =