


Life Transition & Grief Coach,

Nia Teacher, Yin Yoga Teacher, and More


Ceremonies Nia & Yin Yoga And More . .



Nia & Yin Yoga

And More . . . .

“Throughout the creation of the ceremony, Sally was insightful, intuitive, creative, and very supportive.  She made sure that this ceremony was my vision, not hers, and she listened to and beautifully interpreted, my wishes.  I felt so supported, held, and celebrated by her loving presence.  I would gladly recommend Sally as a celebrant with a great depth of wisdom and compassion.  Thank you, Sally, for making this special night possible for me”.   – Lynda Wharton

“Sally was committed to this ceremony with her whole heart, and she indeed went the extra mile. Her attention to the detail of everything went above and beyond. Sally performed her function with joy in her heart. Her speech was perfect and very well prepared, just what we had requested. She was truly amazing in the way she handled everything from beginning to the end.”  – Gary & Ronelle 

Take time for yourself with a fun dance-movement modality that invites you to move in ‘Your Body’s Way’.  In Nia we are invited to move in ways we may not be used to so our brain gets a workout as well.  OR let your body find its own way into relaxation with Yin Yoga.  For those new to Yin its about breathing out, letting the body find it’s own resting place.  No forcing or pushing; simply being in a pose in the way that suits YOUR body. 

Both modalities invite sensation to guide us to comfort, getting to listen more closely to our bodies, and therefore be more ‘present’ in our everyday lives. 

“Sally, you are such an inspiration.  Your warmth, understanding, encouragement, humour and grace are such a blessing.”   -Pauline

 Sally has devoted her life to assisting people in their life choices, challenges and changes, working in the field of change and growth for over 40 years  She has an innate ability to aid and alleviate suffering for others.  Having studied various forms of healing modalities, she has worked as a Counsellor, Masseuse, Coach, Support Worker, Social Worker, Celebrant, Nia Teacher and Yin Yoga Teacher.  She has spent the last 40+ years of her life leading, organising and promoting many Communication Skills Programmes, Personal Growth Seminars and Trainings for both adults and children.

“A meaningful life is not about being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being perfect . . .

It is about being real, being humble, being strong, and being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others.”  

Collective Evolution

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